7 start-ups selected for Stage 2

Today, after a long journey, many hours of brainstorming, intense training lessons and numerous sessions where start-ups, businesses,  educational mentors and teachers came together, we are thrilled to announce the 7 start-ups and SMEs that have been selected to move on to the second stage of our IMPACT EdTech programme: Proof of market (acceleration)

Out of 15 start-ups that participated in Stage 1: MVP Validation, 7 have been selected to continue in the programme. They will participate in a bootcamp training in which they will go from working on promising prototypes to viable products ready to be launched to the market. You can find the full list here:

Annie Advisor

The intelligent student guidance bot Annie finds the student in need of support before it’s too late.


The framework for accessing personalised training and career paths in cybersecurity.


Bridging the gap between theory and practice in school.


Game-based blended learning environment for STEAM and sustainable development for grades 1-6.


A fun problem-solving platform where children aged 7-12 learn thinking skills through mathematics.


They bring the maker movement to your school. 


We enable any kids to love and enjoy mathematics making them much more concrete, fun and easy to understand.

The Stage 2 is focused on the acceleration phase of the start-ups products and the entrepreneurs will have the chance to:

Strand A and Strand B piloting in real educational settings.


Visibility to relevant education ministries, investors and potential partners


Go-To-Market activities training.


Systematic 1-1 business and education mentoring services.


Up to €110K per start-up/SME.


Five-day online acceleration bootcamp.


The next phase of the IMPACT EdTech programme is here! Are you ready for it? Join the EdTech revolution!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871275. Neither the European Commission (EC) nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for how the following information is used. The views expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the EC.