Project acronym: IMPACT EdTech
Project full name: Incubating High-IMPACT New Generation EdTech Disruptors for Inclusive & Personalised Learning
The innovation action IMPACT EdTech, co‐funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 871275, launched its 3rd open call for recipients to receive financial support.
Call Publication
The call was launched on 6 April 2021, 10:00 CEST.
The call closed on 30 June 2021, 13:00 CEST.
The call was published on the project IMPACT EdTech project website (, and on the Horizon 2020 – Participants Portal ( competitive.html). Full call details were published on
The following channels were also used to promote the call:
- IMPACT EdTech online community provided by project partner FundingBox:
- IMPACT EdTech social media:
- LinkedIn:
- Twitter:
- Partners’ social networks and newsletters
- Enterprise Europe Network
Number of IMPACT EdTech proposals received and selected for financial support
The evaluation and selection have been completed. All proposers have been informed about the evaluation results for their proposal for financial support.
- 277 proposals submitted
- 235 eligible proposals evaluated, of which: 101 in Strand A (1); 134 in Strand B (2)
– Inclusive education – 55;
– Personalized learning – 96;
– Skills development – 84 - 116 proposals were evaluated above threshold
- 28 proposals were selected for the Jury Day
- 17 in the first list pre-selected for financial support
- 3 proposals in the reserve list
Based on the decision taken at the post-Jury Day consensus meeting (20 September 2021) and formal check of the pre-selected proposals (3), 17 proposals were selected for the 9-month IMPACT EdTech programme starting in October 2021 and ending in July 2022.
(1). Strand A aims to support solutions which can be implemented at the level of formal (school-based) compulsory education, from early childhood up to secondary general and vocational education (commonly referred to as K12), notwithstanding that their potential application may reach other target users and educational markets.
(2). Strand B targets Business to Consumer (B2C) content-based solutions open to any age group and level of education. Learning solutions (B2C or B2B) which facilitate remote and mobile learning will also be considered.
The final list of winning proposals is:
Company Name
Project Name
Project Strand
Project Challenge
Project Country
Project Description
Memorix IVS transfered into Memorix Aps
Skills Development
Most students use tiresome memorization techniques, not improving their learning because they are not engaged, motivated, or simply don’t know better techniques. Memorix is a platform that combines proven memo- techniques with 3D technology.
Poikilingo ApS
Inclusive Education
Migrant children are almost twice as likely not to reach basic academic proficiency in reading, mathematics and science than native-born children. To bring this minority group closer to the level of their native peers in academic performance levels, it is important to focus on language acquisition & understanding of culture and social norms. Poikilingo' solution engages these children with a fun app that uses playful and culture-rich activities to help children of all language levels to perform better
Cloud Guide S.L.
Personalized Learning
CloudGuide Play for schools allows school visitors of different ages turn their regular museum visit into interactive games. Pupils will be able to engage, get entertained and targeted (according to their educational level) experiences in museums of all kinds with tours, scavengers hunts and quizzes from their device or school tablets. Also, it’s an excellent tool for teachers to prepare the visit and assess their students after the tour
GoLexic GmbH
Inclusive Education
This cost-effective solution will help schoold to support children with reading challenges through a methodically validated reading remediation method. The platform consists of a personalised training app that uses speech recognition to check actual reading skills, and a web-based portal that gives teachers an overview of learning progress, areas of difficulties, and suggestions for topics to practise together
Endurae Voice Technology OÜ
Skills Development
InterVeu provides training and development of communication skills via a privacy-secure online environment. It focuses on the users as learners to improve their speaking performance and an AI unbiased model to automatically measure skills from users’ voice. It is open to a broad age group (16- 75), any level of education, and addresses anyone who wishes to improve her communication skills in the workplace/preparation for the workplace contexts
SILENOLE DIGITAL SL (applied as natuarl persons - Juan Muzquiz Herrero, Angel Lopez Samartino)
Silenole Digital
Inclusive Education
There is a strong link between bullying and social exclusion. Children who are perceived as “different” by their peers disproportionately suffer bullying in schools, which affects their education and can have long- lasting effects on their mental health and adult lives. Silenole gives teachers, families and students the tools, contents and methods to fight against prejudices and hostile attitudes and helps normalize diversity
Reboot Academy, S.L.
Reboot Academy (MyPATH)
Personalized Learning
Reboot Academy (MyPATH) brings in the latest research in Personalized Learning to create a new AI platform that helps users to reskill or upskill in IT. MyPath will provide an optimized learning path that is based off Market skill trends from real job postings, your previous experience (education & work), plus your personal growth goals. This learning path will be connected to our knowledge graph of technology micro-modules and an eLearning platform to help anyone stay relevant in a world that never stops changing
NoCode Institute, Lda (applying as Miguel Muñoz Duarte and Nelson Marteleira)
NoCode Institute
Skills Development
NoCode Institute tackles mainly the skill development challenge by providing innovative digital reskilling for digital immigrants using NoCode / visual- programming training. NoCode Institute will use new pedagogical methodologies based in personalised learning pathways and weekly challenges, where students can practice skills in capstone-projects and reinforce knowledge reviewing peers-work. Also, inclusive education (unemployed-focus) and personalised learning (AI-powered content and mentoring) will be tackled
Cardemy SAS
Personalized Learning
Cardemy combines the best of AI & human teachers to provide fully INDIVIDUALIZED language learning paths. For self-learning, Learners study with the most relevant content based on level, goal/job, hobbies (thanks to NLP+AI) and have a tailored review schedule (SRS) based on progress. Teachers review learners progress to tailor their lesson (flipped classroom) where communic’actionable method (learn the language by performing a task) and Natural method (listen > imitate > understand > apply) are promoted
CleverBooks Ltd.
ARC (Augmented Classroom)
Personalized Learning
ARC is an AR/AI-based solution that supports educators to: - customize students’ learning using multi-sensory learning objects accompanied with comprehensive guidelines for the activities, - meet pupils’ diverse needs staying true to curriculum content and standards, - curate content and facilitate highly immersive student-focused collaborative activities and students to: - increase engagement in class and material retention, - explore and rehear the real-life skills in the digital environment at their own pace
Centrica Srl
Personalized Learning
A personalised way to experience art, providing the following features for learners and teachers: - personalised experiences based on age or knowledge, - test abilities through games, quizzes and other activities for an interactive learning experience, - improve data analytics - create personalised lessons that can be shared between the community
EDHANCE s.r.o.
Personalized Learning
Czech Republic
EDHANCE is a platform for creating learning activities integrating a data-driven formative assessment tool for personalised learning
Hero I/S
Inclusive Education
Hero promotes inclusive education by setting challenged readers on equal footing with their peers. With state-of-the-art AI technology and without changing the content, Hero simplifies text and lowers the bar for participation. The solution will be freely accessible, user- friendly, and valuable regardless of one’s age or preferred reading device
Cobie AI
Personalised Learning
Cobie AI boosts teacher's abilities where teachers can use their existing knowledge not only to lecture to the classroom but work 1-on-1 with the whole classroom at the same time. Cobie's AI- supported smart classroom enables teachers to monitor multiple students in real-time. Cobie AI analyses students' code in real-time and prepares suggestions for teachers. Cobie can also prepare synthetic video lectures. This is basis for scalable personalisation, where different content is produced for each student
Homestudy OÜ
Inclusive Education
Taut is an app that helps teachers engage their students, support collaboration, and make it easy for educators and kids' families to support their students. Combined with blended learning support embedded in Taut is a perfect platform for supporting every single student in their learning process no matter their circumstances
Personalized Learning
CheckMath encourages students to practice their work and make mistakes without the fear of being penalised. It encourages students to solve their problems step-by- step at their own pace and immediately get feedback on their work. For any mistakes they make, they are encouraged to understand, learn and re-do their work. CheckMath understands that learning is a personalized experience unique to every student and hence follows the logical derivations taken by students to solve a problem
Levebee s.r.o.
Inclusive Education
Czech Republic
Around 20 % of children struggle with math for reasons mostly unrelated to math (ADHD, dyslexia, different mother tongue, etc.). There is not enough time in a classroom for teachers to address every single child individually. Capacity and sometimes even quality of special education centres differs across regions and cannot cover all kids. Levebee already proved with its previous reading app that this problem can be successfully solved with the help of technology and aim to do the same with math